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What exactly are the white particles that bulge out of the chin? Can it be removed?

2022-06-07 15:36:40

          Raised small white particles on the chin can be enlarged sebaceous bumps, closed comedones, post-acne papular scars, and milia.How to lighten and smooth these bumps? You will know after reading this article.


          1.Enlarged and raised hair follicles and sebaceous glands


          ·What is it?


          As shown in the picture below, the small white particles on the chin may be enlarged and raised hair follicles and sebaceous glands, and the filaments extruded from it are called lipid filaments (sebum filaments).This is a normal physiological phenomenon, and many people have it.

          ·How to improve?


          There is currently no good solution for this. You can try topical retinoid cream, adapalene gel, or salicylic acid and fruit acid skin care products, which may help, but the effect is relatively limited.


          But really, you don’t have to worry too much. Normal social distance cannot see these small particles, and girls can hardly see these small particles with a foundation concealer.


          It is not recommended to squeeze them casually, as it may cause dilation of the follicle pores and inflammation around the hair follicles and sebaceous glands.


          2.Closed acne


          ·What is it?


          Small white particles on the chin can sometimes be closed comedones.Acne can be divided into comedones, papules and pustules, and comedones are further divided into whiteheads (closed comedones) and blackheads (open comedones).


          Closed-mouth acne is what we often call closed-mouth, which is a type of mild acne.


          ·Why do these things happen?


          The causes of closed acne are the same as acne. There are four main reasons:


          ① Too much oil (excessive sebum secretion) ② Blockage (occlusion of sebaceous glands and hair follicles) ③ Bacteria (proliferation of Propionibacterium acnes) ④ Inflammation (secondary inflammation)


          In addition, the closed mouth does not necessarily appear because the cleaning is not in place, and it may also appear because the cleaning is “too in place”.Prompt and standardized treatment is important, as later nodules and cysts are prone to scarring.


          ·How to improve?


          If you don’t pay attention to treatment and care, it may lead to big acne.Acne can be further transformed into inflammatory papules, which can aggravate the formation of nodules and cysts.


          The treatment of closed-mouth acne can be based on acne. The medicines can generally be adapalene gel, tretinoin cream or tazarotene cream, etc. You can use moisturizing cream first and then apply medicines every day.


          For those with sensitive skin and mild acne who cannot tolerate retinoids, azelaic acid cream, salicylic acid, mandelic acid and other products can also be used.However, the treatment cycle is long, and it is necessary to pay attention to irritation. Among them, azelaic acid cream can also be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


          For daily skin care, you can choose refreshing skin care products, try not to make up or try to light makeup, pay attention to your diet, and properly control high sugar and dairy products.


          3.Post-acne papular scars


          ·What is it? Post-acne scars can be divided into atrophic scars (recessed) and hypertrophic scars (raised).Atrophic scars can be divided into three types: ice-pick-like, roller-like, and box-car-like, while post-acne papular scars are a type of hypertrophic scars that often appear on the chin, nose, and back.


          ·Why do these things happen?


          Post-acne papular scars are caused by the same factors as hypertrophic scars. More common in acne with severe inflammation, or improper handling of acne.


          Hypertrophic scars belong to the body’s excessive tissue response to dermal damage, that is, the process of acne skin damage subsidence and repair is too violent to stop the car, and local fibroblasts and collagen are produced too much, resulting in new scars “popping on the skin”.


          ·How to improve?


          Skin care products have very little therapeutic effect on this, and it is recommended not to hope. Medical beauty is a relatively effective treatment method at present. Although it cannot achieve 100% treatment effect, it can also restore beauty to the maximum extent.


          Combination therapy is generally more effective than monotherapy. Here are a few common treatments:

          ◆ Laser therapy: such as carbon dioxide laser, Er:YAG laser, pulsed dye laser, Nd:YAG laser, the treatment effect is remarkable.


          ◆ Cryotherapy: easy to operate, relatively low cost, but may cause permanent pigmentation reduction, it is recommended that patients with darker skin to try it cautiously.


          ◆ Closed injection: Glucocorticoids such as triamcinolone acetonide are injected into the damaged skin, and 5-FU is injected. However, it has many side effects when used alone, and is currently used in combination with other methods.


          4.Milia (so-called “fat granules”)


          ·What is it?


          The small particles on the chin may also be “fat particles” in the eyes of many people.


          In fact, the name of fat granules does not exist. The fat granules in our mouths generally refer to milia, and their formation has nothing to do with fat and can occur at any age.


          Chestnut papules appear as pinpoint to miliary-sized, white or pearly hard papules, usually white or pale yellow dome-shaped papules 1-3mm in size, single or multiple.




          Stop blaming skin care products for being too moisturizing, skin care products don’t cause milia.


          The real cause of milia is mainly due to excessive keratinization of the skin at the opening of the sweat glands, or small wounds on the skin that produce small white cysts in the process of self-healing.


          ·How to improve?


          For children and adults with long-term unresolved milia, a needle or scalpel can be used to pierce the upper epidermis to squeeze out the milia, or laser or electrocoagulation can be done, and topical tretinoin is helpful.


          Finally, no matter what is growing on the chin, please remember to control your hands and do not pick and squeeze, pick and scratch, and treat acne in time to avoid aggravating the situation and leaving scars.


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